YESTERDAY WE LEARN χθες μαθαίνουμε , TODAY WE PRACTISE σήμερα ασκούμε , TOMORROW WE ACHIEVE αύριο επιτυγχάνουμε

Monday, August 31, 2009

:: myRAMADHAN'09 IV merdeka ::

☆☆ ようこそラマダーン ☆☆Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa Di Bulan 1000 Bulan Ramadhan el-Mubarak ☆ รอมะฎอน ☆ Happy Blessed Ramadhan 1430 Hijrah ☆مرحبا بكم في رمضان le jeûne ou saoum, qui constitue l'un des cinq piliers de l'islam 라마단 Mejorar nuestra fe y las virtudes en el ayuno Ramadhán.Devote a la unidad de Dios, Allah 賴買丹月 -Ikhwancalifornia™ ®
Aug 31st Monday

Ikhwancalifornia™ ® mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-52. Tahun ini, kemerdekaan disambut seiringan dengan kedatangan Bulan Yang Penuh Berkat Ramadhan el-Mubarak. Meskipun sambutan ulangtahun kemerdekaan kali ini tidaklah semeriah tahun-tahun lepas berikutan Influenza A H1N1 tetapi apa yang paling penting adalah sikap cintakan negara dalam diri itu sendiri.Kekalkan keharmonian dan kemajuan negara.Ingatlah sejarah penubuhan negara.
Malaysia adalah terdiri daripada semenanjung Malaysia,Sabah dan Sarawak.Malaysia pernah dikenali dahulu dengan nama Malaya dan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.Mendapat Kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957 dan penubuhan lengkap Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.Malangnya Singapura keluar daripada Malaysia...Malaysia mempunyai banyak ketamadunan berkerajaan seperti Kerajaan Langkasuka, Chih Tu (Kelantan Tua), Kedah Tua, Seri Gangga Negara, Kerajaan Melayu Melaka dan sebagainya...Bermula dengan Kegemilangan Kerajaan Melayu Melaka (terdapat 84 bahasa dipertuturkan dengan 3000 buah kapal berlabuh setiap hari di Melaka,Bahasa Melayu menjadi Bahasa Lingua Franca pada ketika itu)..bayangkan kemajuan yang dicapai negara sekiranya tidak terjajah..Malaysia terjajah selama 446 tahun dan 7 hari..suatu jangka masa yang begitu lama jika dibandingkan dengan nikmat kemerdekaan yang baru dikecapi selama 52 tahun.Setelah Kerajaan Islam Andalusia Sepanyol jatuh, kuasa besar dunia pada ketika itu mencari sebuah kerajaan besar yang berpotensi untuk mendominasi dunia untuk dijatuhkan selain daripada untuk meluaskan propaganda (Gospel,Glory,Gold,Geography) mereka...dan mereka lebih menekankan Gold.Mereka sanggup datang dengan keadaan laut yang 'super' bergelora di Tanjung Harapan semata-mata untuk ke Timur.Dengan ketidakseimbangan politik di Melaka pada ketika itu maka
-Portugis 24 Ogos 1511-16 Januari 1641 (130 tahun)
-Belanda 16 Januari 1641-20 Mac 1824 (183 tahun)
-British 20 Mac 1824-08 Disember 1941 (117 tahun)
-Jepun 08 Disember 1941-05 September 1945 (4 tahun)
-Zaman Darurat Bintang 3 (Komunis)
-British 05 Sept 1945-31 Ogos 1957 (12 tahun)

Jadi tanggungjawab kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia adalah mempertahankan kemerdekaan ini... no more gaduh-gaduh.. bersatu, Majukan negara, daulatkan Malaysia...
Raise Your Flag
Khidmat Pesanan Masyarakat ini dibawakan oleh Ikhwancalifornia™ ® P.E.A.C.E
:: myIC - BLOGGING OFF ☆ ®

Saturday, August 29, 2009

:: myRAMADHAN'09 III pelangi ::

☆☆ ようこそラマダーン ☆☆Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa Di Bulan 1000 Bulan Ramadhan el-Mubarak ☆ รอมะฎอน ☆ Happy Blessed Ramadhan 1430 Hijrah ☆مرحبا بكم في رمضان le jeûne ou saoum, qui constitue l'un des cinq piliers de l'islam 라마단 Mejorar nuestra fe y las virtudes en el ayuno Ramadhán.Devote a la unidad de Dios, Allah 賴買丹月 -Ikhwancalifornia™ ®

Aug 29th Saturday

2 Hari lagi kemerdekaan negara yang ke-52 bakal disambut. Nak cerita sikit. Pada pukul 6.30 petang kejap tadi aku berpeluang menyaksikan kecantikan pancaran mentari selepas hujan. Bulan Ramadhan hujan sentiasa mencurah ke bumi, bukan hujan lebat tetapi sekadar hujan renyai-renyai. Hujan rahmatlah katakan. Pancaran mentari yang cukup indah dan bersih. Apabila aku terpandang ke arah matahari terbit yakni timur, kelihatan sebuah pelangi. Wow, subhanallah, cukup hebat.Pelangi Ramadhan. Aku dapat merasakan sesuatu yang ganjil dengan Ramadhan kali ini. 
Well, i'm not such a very good Muslim but i try.Biar aku cerita kenapa aku rasa begitu, kita mulakan dengan tahun lepas. Tahun Baru Tahun lepas adalah sama yakni 01 Januari bersamaan 01 Muharram. 

Pertembungan Tahun Baru Masihi dengan Hijrah. Ramadhan tahun lepas  juga adalah jatuh pada sepanjang bulan September, tahukah anda bahawa Ramadhan dan September adalah bulan ke-9 daripada 12 bulan. Jadi hari lahir aku pada tahun lepas adalah antara yang teristimewa di mana jatuh pada tarikh yang sama iaitu 05 September bersamaan 05 Ramadhan Hari Jumaat. Menjelang akhir Disember tahun lepas yakni tepat-tepat 01 Muharram dalam Kalendar Hijrah, bumi kiblat pertama umat Islam diserang Zionis. Ini berlaku sejurus sebelum Obama dilantik menjadi presiden yang ke-44. 

Setelah serangan Zionis berhenti, berlaku gerhana matahari pada bulan Januari pada hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina. Sebelum Ramadhan pada tahun ini menjelang, berlaku pelbagai fenomena alam yang wajar menjadi perhatian umat manusia. Antaranya, kedudukan matahari yang berada tepat-tepat di atas Kiblat ( perkara ini dinamakan sebagai istiwa matahari dan fenomena ini berlaku setiap tahun namun kali ini ianya berlaku sejurus sebelum datangnya Ramadhan) , Gerhana Matahari Penuh  dan Gerhana Bulan yang berlaku baru-baru ini.Dan tahukah anda sehari sebelum kita mula berpuasa tahun ini yakni 21hb Ogos adalah ulangtahun kejadian kebakaran kompleks Masjid al-Aqsa yang dilakukan Zionis pada 1969. Antara lain adalah bencana alam dan Wabak Selesema Mexico atau Babi (Influenza A H1N1).

Ada setengah orang kata H1N1 ni ciptaan saintis Zionis, natijahnya sebab tak nak ada ibadat Haji. Tahukah anda, sekiranya ibadat haji tiada dalam tahun itu maka titik keseimbangan bumi akan terganggu. Cas Yin Yang Positif Negatif. Semua orang tahu bahawa sekitar Kaabah adalah the most energy point on the earth and Kaabah is the center of the Earth. Pihak NASA sudah membuktikan kebenaran itu. Apabila tiada orang mengerjakan Haji pada tahun itu maka Yahudi tahu bahawa al-Masih Dajjal yang ditunggu mereka sudah hampir tiba.

Dan tahukah anda, Dajjal bukannya datang setelah tiada azan dilaungkan tetapi apabila setiap laungan azan diputuskan. Macam mana, cuba anda lihat peta dunia... terdapat lautan pemisah di antara benua seperti Lautan Atlantik dan Lautan Pasifik. Kenapa ini berlaku? sebab perbezaan di antara selang waktu azan Isya' dengan Azan Subuh dan Azan Subuh dengan Azan Zohor. Tak faham lagi? macam ni. Katakanlah pada masa sekarang Azan Maghrib berkumandang di sebuah tempat di Malaysia, sebelum Azan Maghrib Malaysia habis, azan Maghrib di Acheh pula mengambil tempat dan begitulah seterusnya. jadi laungan azan itu sentiasa bersambung seolah-olah membentuk suatu rantaian. 

Jadi sebagai renungan, Kiamat Sudah Dekat dan tanda-tandanya terlalu obvious sekarang. Yahudi tahu akan kebenaran ini sebab itulah dalam Surah Al-Fatihah, perkataan 'orang-orang yang dimurkai Allah' pada akhir ayat adalah merujuk kepada mereka. Sebab apa? mereka tahu kebenaran, mereka mengkaji tetapi dalam masa yang sama mereka menyembunyikan. Mereka ni cerdik sebab itulah kebanyakkan pemenang anugerah Nobel adalah terdiri daripada mereka. Namun lantaran keangkuhan, mereka lebur. Akhir kata, setiap fenomena alam yang berlaku ada hikmahnya cuma antara manusia itu sedar atau tidak akan petanda di sebaliknya.

Ini adalah siri peringatan buat diriku yang selalu lupa. Lastly, don't let a day pass by without touching your forehead to the ground ( Solat ) at least 34 times.

:: myIC - BLOGGING OFF ☆ ®

Friday, August 28, 2009

:: myRAMADHAN'09 II convo anyone? ::

☆☆ ようこそラマダーン ☆☆Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa Di Bulan 1000 Bulan Ramadhan el-Mubarak ☆ รอมะฎอน ☆ Happy Blessed Ramadhan 1430 Hijrah ☆مرحبا بكم في رمضان ☆ le jeûne ou saoum, qui constitue l'un des cinq piliers de l'islam  라마단  Mejorar nuestra fe y las virtudes en el ayuno Ramadhán.Devote a la unidad de Dios, Allah ☆ 賴買丹月  -Ikhwancalifornia™ ®

Aug 25th Tuesday

Dear My Sis Alang, Happy Birthday to You
May Allah bless you in the blessed month of Ramadhan
All The Best For Your UPSR Exam This September 08th Till 10th
And That's All For My Fourth Of Ramadhan

Aug 28th Friday

could it be bigger ?

It's look a week has passing by. After Sahur I watch a Ramadhan Kareem program on TV. Not Malaysia's TV but Thailand's TV. I didn't understand the lingo but that program seems interesting to me.During Ramadhan, i love to watch travelogue programs  such as Jejak Rasul, ArRisalah, Syahadah, I'm Muslim too, etc. After that, I treat myself with Japanese Movie this morning. So laze around. Fazy Si Pari-Pari call me and we're talk about an hour via phone. We're talk over our upcoming convo, posting, past memories in the college and the future. I enjoyed myself talking to her. About convocation, i did not really know my feeling onto it. I'm not excited at all. First, i'm still did'nt know when i'm gonna be posted so i've no economic stability rite now. Second, the convocation venue is not appropriate for such many people.Plus, it's totally archaic.Third, its date not in the weekend. Fourth, its date also did'nt appropriate for the mean time cause everybody is busy. Fifth, Influenza A H1N1 still around out there. Sixth, no official source from the college since i only got it know via e-mail. Seventh, i did'nt excited at all. Anyway, i'll try my best for my big day...
I've my Buka Puasa at my grandparent's house today. Together with us is a pondok scholar. So, now i know what is the pondok all about. He is the fourth year scholar and has two more years to complete his studies in the pondok. After that he will further his studies in Egypt for four more years. What a long journey of knowledge seeking before offered job. 10 years. He is just exactly same age with me. What make me proud of him is he is the imam that leads Solat Tarawikh at the mosque in My grandparent's village.

:: myIC - BLOGGING OFF ☆ ®

:: Unofficial Convo Invitation Card ::

☆☆ ようこそラマダーン ☆☆Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa Di Bulan 1000 Bulan Ramadhan el-Mubarak ☆ รอมะฎอน ☆ Happy Blessed Ramadhan 1430 Hijrah ☆مرحبا بكم في رمضان le jeûne ou saoum, qui constitue l'un des cinq piliers de l'islam 라마단 Mejorar nuestra fe y las virtudes en el ayuno Ramadhán.Devote a la unidad de Dios, Allah 賴買丹月 -Ikhwancalifornia™ ®

credit to Ananz

More informations about our upcoming convocation event

:: myIC - BLOGGING OFF ☆ ®

Thursday, August 27, 2009

KYLE XY : First Cut Is The Deepest


episode 6

Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa Di Bulan 1000 Bulan Ramadhan el-Mubarak 1430 Hijrah Happy Blessed Ramadhan ようこそラマダーンمرحبا بكم في رمضان Mejorar nuestra fe y las virtudes en el ayuno Ramadhán.Devote a la unidad de Dios, Alá - Ikhwancalifornia™ ® IKHWANKAIZEN
"The human body has its own built-in repair kit." - Kyle

It's last night, this week's episode put the wheels in motion for a finale that will surely have us finally coming face-to-face with Sarah.If Adam can heal himself, surely Sarah could too and probably better and faster than he could. Plus, the episode was way too Sarah-heavy not to mention her again in the four upcoming episodes of the season. 

Kyle XY
After a few somewhat-filler episodes, it was great to get one that pushed the show's mythology a bit further. We didn't get earth-shattering answers but we did get a better glimpse at who Sarah is/was and what Jessi can do. We know that Sarah Emerson was involved in the school's paper, won various prizes, was accused of sabotaging a Biochem final by writing the answers and vandalizing a lecture hall. She is such a legend for the students that there is a trophy case dedicated to her in the university's bar.

As if we needed it, we got another glimpse at how much Jessi is similar to Sarah. That glimpse was not a pretty one. "My mother was awesome," she said after seeing the Latnok symbol on the ceiling, a defying and frowned-upon act. Jessi is so driven that she is on a self-destructive path. Brian is pushing her a lot but Jessi is pushing herself even further and for what? She intentionally sabotaged the pool competition to come out on top. Her lack of social skills and empathy prevents her from seeing the bad side of what she did to Kyle when moving the balls. In fact, she is also hurting herself and it'll be a hard fall when reality hits her.

Kyle XY

Kyle and Jessi can heal themselves and, as it is implied by the final scene, maybe others. With this superpower also comes a dark side and Jessi is the living proof. Now that she can heal herself, you can bet that she'll be bolder and crazier than ever; it won't just be jumping off the school's roof! Kyle better learn how to heal himself faster because I have a hunch that he may need to face off Jessi once again.

Speaking of Kyle's newfound healing powers, did he or did he not heal Andy?, I believe that he did. 

Mark and Lori will so end up together. Mark does have great lines to throw back at Lori and I enjoy seeing them fight with words a lot!

Other scenes of interest
  • Kyle XY
    Josh and Andy going through couples therapy was fun to watch. Nicole is quite the mom to listen to her son's girlfriend talk about making out with Josh and wanting more! The session also provided us with extra info about Andy: her name is Andromeda as in "ruler of all men" and not Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.
  • Stephen using Jessi and Kyle to crack a program developed by one of his students.
  • Kyle entering Jessi's room using her direct technique. 
  • Hillary starting to like Amanda because she showed her "facetious, self-aware and spicy" side.
  • Amanda finally accepting that she'll have to share Kyle with others because he has a greater destiny.
Best lines of the week
  • "I'm a teacher. I have to be the smartest one in the class." - Stephen
  • "Kyle is coming to work with me. That never ends well." - Stephen
  • "There is no one more like me than you." - Kyle to Jessi
  • "He's like a television with only one channel. And it's not even a good one." - Andy about Josh

Be Alert with four More Upcoming Update on Kyle XY episode and A Trivia of its 3 Seasons... Stay With Ikhwancalifornia™ ®


Sunday, August 23, 2009

:: myRAMADHAN '09 ::

Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa Di Bulan 1000 Bulan Ramadhan el-Mubarak 1430 Hijrah Happy Blessed Ramadhan ようこそラマダーンمرحبا بكم في رمضان Mejorar nuestra fe y las virtudes en el ayuno Ramadhán.Devote a la unidad de Dios, Alá - Ikhwancalifornia™ ® IKHWANKAIZEN Aug 21st Friday

We'll kick start our fasting month on August 22nd this year which means tomorrow.I feel excited all around.A 1000 blessed month with the Night of Power (Lailatul Qadar). I got headache on the eve of Ramadhan just before Solat Jumaat.After Solat Jumaat,I try to take a nap but can't. It's too hot! Alhamdulillah, my headache going mild and i having time to supermarket with my aunt,her daughter and my sisters at 5.30 pm. It's for her shoppe. No Tarawikh prayer for me tonight as headache still in me. I take 2 tablets of Panadol and hope tomorrow will be better. As routine every year, i got a bundles of Ramadhan sms and net messages - Thanks. No Ramadhan Lantern this year... may be i could make it one. At 11.23 pm, electricity went black out...

Aug 22nd Saturday

4.50 am on the early morning, I wake up for my first Sahur and you guess what we all family have our Sahur on the floor not on the table as usual. Thanks to Dad's queen a.k.a my Mum for her cookery. My brother Angah still in UiTM so he is the only family member who did not come out for Ramadhan at home. He did'nt so well, he was diagnosed with measles last week. One more... this is second Ramadhan without my late little brother Irfan. He return to Rahmatullah on April 06 last year, he got A.L.L. All of us are miss him. Ramadhan in Kelantan, it's would be nice having fasting in the state. Merrier...
The most important part of fasting is niat. Niat for a month and Niat for each day :-

" Sahaja Aku Berpuasa Sebulan Di Bulan Ramadhan Tahun Ini Fardhu Ke Atas Diriku Kerana Allah Taala"

" Sahaja Aku Berpuasa Esok Hari Di Bulan Ramadhan Fardhu Ke Atas Diriku Kerana Allah Taala"

Fasting start in Imsak ( 10 minutes before Subuh/Dawn Prayer) and over in Maghrib/Dusk Prayer.It's not just cannot eat anything during fasting period but we Muslims must command to the rule. Apparently, i need to concentrate on my fasting which i almost forget today (food appetite before its time) You know what i meant, it's first day beb... When Azan Maghrib on air, We have our Buka Puasa (breaking fast).
First, Buka Puasa with a date and a gulp of Tropicana Twister - Orange. Alhamdulillah. I show up for Isya' and Tarawikh prayer in Surau tonight. Me, Dad and Mum. Fuhhh... 20 rakaat + 3 rakaat of Witir prayers.. but it's o.k, i enjoyed the flow. I'm one of the person who come to mosque for prayer congregation only during Ramadhan except for Solat Jumaat and both Solat Sunat Hari Raya. That's why i was called 'Mat Ramadhan' . Hehe...

p/s :- "Dear My Energetic Readers" More myRAMADHAN'09 On Ikhwancalifornia™ ®  
For the mean time, it's quiet difficult for me to reach you out... update the posts... and etc. So, i'll slow down my appearance on the net wall but don't worry i'll keep update and will be back as soon as possible. Thanks on your present.. till meet you in the next post.

During the whole month of RAMADHAN i'll put Nasyidfm on the wall. It's depend to you to listen either Ikhwancalifornia™ ® Official radio :- HITZ.FM or Nasyidfm. Just switch off either one... and if you wanna read The Qur'an Online please click Qur'an Flash Online on the side bar..

:: myIC - BLOGGING OFF ☆ ®

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Death knocked on
a bedroom door.

"Who is there ?"
the sleeping one cried.

"I'm Angel Izrael, let me inside."

At once, the man began to shiver
as one sweating in deadly fever.

He shouted to his wife,
Don't let the Angel take my life."

"O Angel of Death,
I'm not ready yet

My family, on me depend,
give me a chance
to go back and mend."

The Angel knocked again.

"O man,
it's your soul that i require,
I come not with my own desire."

Bewildered, the man began to cry:
" O Angel, I'm so afraid to die."

"Let me remain here as your slave,
don't send me to the grave."

"Let me in, O man", the Angel said.

"Open the door, 
get up from your bed,
you can't stop me from coming in,
Angels can go through objects,
thick and thin.

The man held a gun in his right hand,
ready to defy the Angel's stand.

"I'll point my gun towards your head
You dare come in - I'll shoot you dead.

By now,the Angel was in the room,
saying, "O man, prepare for your doom,
foolish man - Angels never die,
put down your gun and do not sigh.

Why are you afraid - Tell me O man -
to die according to Allah's plan?"

"O Angel, i bow my head in shame,
I had no time to remember Allah's name.

From dawn till dusk, I made my wealth,
not even caring for my spiritual health.

Allah's commands i never obeyed,
nor five times a day I ever prayed.

A Ramadhan came and
a Ramadhan went,
But no time had I to repent.

The Hajj was already obligatory upon me,
but I would not part with my money.

All charities I did ignore,
taking usury more and more.

Sometimes I sipped my favourite wine,
with flirting women I sat to dine

O Angel I appeal to you,
spare my life for a year or two.

The laws of The Qur'an, I will obey,
I'll begin Solat - This very day.

My Fast and Hajj I will complete,
and keep away from self-conceit.

I will refrain from usury
and give all my wealth to charity

Wine and unlawful women,
I will detest,
Allah's oneness I will attest."

"We Angels do what Allah demands,
we cannot go against His commands.

Death is ordained for everyone -
father, mother, daughter and son.

I'm afraid, this moment is your last,
now be reminded of your past.

I do understand your fears
but it is now too late for tears.

You lived in this world, 
two score or more,

Your parents you did not obey,
hungry beggars, you turned away.

Your two ill-mannered, female offspring,
in nightclubs, for livelihood they sing.
Instead of making more Muslims,
You made your children non-Muslims.

You ignored the Azan (call to prayer)
nor did you recite The Holy Qur'an.
Breaking promises all your life,
backbiting friends and causing strife.

From hoarded goods,
great profits you made,
and your poor workers -
you underpaid.

Horses and cards were your leisure,
money-making was your pleasure.

You ate and ate
and grew more fat,
with the very sick, you never sat.

A little donation, you never gave
that could a little baby save.

You thought
You're clever and Strong,
but O man,
You've done enough wrong.

Paradise for you? I cannot tell,
The disbeliever will dwell in hell.

There is no time for you to repent,
I'll take your soul for which I am sent."

Written for sharing by Ikhwancalifornia™ ® 
Adapted by Dr Y Mansoor Merican, Ph.D from "Operation Death" by G.H.E. Vanker

p/s :- you're warmly allowed to have this :: TOO LATE FOR TEARS :: but please put my link as an original reference source.It's can be a credit to  Ikhwancalifornia™ ® .Thanks...

:: myIC - BLOGGING OFF ☆ ®

Thursday, August 20, 2009

KYLE XY : Between A Rack and A Hard Place


episode 5

Kyle XY
 "Nothing ever happens on a Sunday." - J.T.

As soon as J.T. said that line after telling Josh he was in charge of The Rack, we knew that something would indeed happen on this particular Sunday. What happened? A newbie makes tons of mistakes, there are a lot of customers, money is missing from the cash register, there is a fit between two enemies, two customers clash, a couple must reevaluate how truthful they are to one another, a father figure plays mastermind games, and someone from the past resurfaces! Not an ordinary Sunday indeed!

Josh in charge of The Rack? Even if things were chaotic and that he lost his cool a few times, Josh took the challenge head on and is on the right path to improve his leadership skills. If he still plans to become a doctor, being put in charge of The Rack will help him work under pressure, become more resourceful, etc.

Kyle XY
The wheels were put in motion last week for Amanda to confront Kyle about his secrets. If you recall, the Tragers warned Kyle that Amanda shouldn't know who he really is. After almost losing Amanda because of his relationship with Jessi, Kyle decided to open up to his girlfriend. I'm happy he didn't reveal everything at once. Even if he trusts Amanda, he doesn't know yet what she can handle. I was surprised that Amanda couldn't find one single thing to reveal to Kyle. Then again, the guy has an amazing memory, as he displayed in the episode, so he probably registered everything Amanda did, said, etc. 

The question now is how he'll hide his meetings with Jessi from Amanda. If you stumbled on this week's official description, you know that Adam was supposed to tell Kyle to stay close to Jessi and be a positive force in her life. The episode was tweaked to end with Adam's return so it is to be assumed that Kyle will receive this special assignment next week. I expect Kyle to be tormented for most of the episode and eventually tell Amanda more about himself so she understands a bit more why he must be with Jessi.

Kyle XY
I can't wait to see what is Brian's end game because he truly showed his darker side this week as he was slowly getting into Jessi's brain by turning her against everyone positive in her life. "He doesn't believe in you." "I am the only person who will always be there for you whenever you need me." When he learns Jessi went to see Nicole, he lies about the phone call so that Jessi doesn't learn the Tragers do care about her. Even if XX is not my favorite character, I can't help but feel bad for her. She'll need a lot of positive reinforcement to forget everything Brian told her.

Kyle XY
Finally, I want to address the arrival of new recurring character Mark. Assistant of Stephen Trager.

Other scenes of interest
  • Lori explaining to Kyle what the "next step" is.
  • Kyle learning that the customer is always right even when the customer is wrong was fun to watch. It's interesting to see how Kyle and Jessi analyze life when things don't make sense!
  • Jessi admitting to Amanda that she is the one who ratted her out to Carol was priceless. I'm sure we haven't seen the last ripple of the aftermath.
  • Josh good admonition to J.T.
Best lines of the week
  • "I wanna be your first." - Kyle to Amanda
  • "The only rack you'll be seeing is the one that's making you wear that stupid apron." - Andy to Josh
  • "Maybe you could put in a good word for me at the Psycho Bitch League." - Mark to Lori
  • "Can you multi-task?" - Josh to Kyle



Salam....Currently i'll slow down my appearance on the net. Insyallah (Godwillingness) i'll come back as soon as possible. Anyway Happy Blessed Ramadhan and Happy National Day Malaysia-52 (Satu Malaysia) from Ikhwancalifornia™ ®. Selamat Berpuasa. P.E.A.C.E.
p/s :- this is my currently screen wallpaper for the whole Ramadhan month.If you want it too click the right click on the picture and open link in new tab.Save the picture and then set as desktop background..and the picture will be on your screen...selamat mencuba..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

KYLE XY : Grounded

episode 4
Kyle XY

"This family means everything to me." - Kyle

Amanda suddenly returns and tells Kyle the need to talk. Before they can, Amanda is put in lockdown by her mother, saying that she wants to drop out of the music conservatory. Kyle team-up with Josh and Lori to get a message to Amanda to meet him at The Rack. They have a romantic date until it's crashed by Carol Bloom, tipped off by Jessi. Amanda sneaks back into Kyle's house, saying she never got on the flight.

The boy without a belly button was put under the microscope this week on Kyle XY. Okay, not a real microscope but still, the social worker asked tough questions to the Tragers and Kyle and visited the house to make sure Kyle was raised in a safe place. Because of this unexpected visit, the teens plotted and planned together in order to get rid of cases of beer and porn, hide Amanda and... take care of the tub situation. "Grounded" was pretty much a filler episode. The storylines didn't really move forward and there wasn't much new info revealed about the characters.

Kyle and Amanda

Kyle and Amanda moved their relationship one step further: they slept in the same bathtub. It was funny to see Kyle tell his girlfriend that her cheeks were pinker and that her body temperature was climbing and hear him tell her that he would give her a thinner blanket! He has so much to learn about relationships! 

Kyle XY
I'm really happy that this Amanda ordeal is over. If you ask me, this storyline was stretched too much. We get it, her mother is a pain in the behind and Amanda is not liking it at all. Can we move on now? I'm glad Amanda finally had the guts to tell her mother exactly how she felt and that things are somewhat going back in order at the Bloom house. We can now have Kyle focus back on his abilities and the bad guys. 

Kyle and the Tragers

Kyle, as expected, gave a heartfelt speech about the Tragers and what they mean to him. Here is the list Kyle gave to the social worker:
  • They gave him a seat at the dinner table when he had nowhere to go.
  • Stephen gave up his workroom so Kyle could have his own place to sleep.
  • Josh taught him how to play basketball.
  • Lori shared her birthday with him.
  • Nicole always makes him feel safe and protected even when he feels lost and scared.
After such a speech and seeing that nice lives in a nice room with a normal bed (good thing she didn't look under the covers though), no social worker could have filed the paperwork to relocate Kyle to another family.

Brian and Jessi

What satisfied me most about "Grounded" was seeing more interaction between Brian and Jessi. We know Brian is up to no good and I can't wait to know more. This week, we saw that he has a locked cabinet in which he placed different items such as a copy of a vinyl record. Why does he have a copy of the song? Yes, it could remind me a better time with Jessi's "mother" but is there more to it? Some fans thought that Brian put the record under Jessi's pillow but it clearly wasn't him. Who did? My money is still on Foss. 

Brian has really been working his way into Jessi's brain. "Brian said you'd be like this. That I couldn't count on you." That sent shivers down my spine. Jessi is so possessive of Kyle that it's unhealthy. She expects him to put his life on hold when she is there, even if it could mean that he could lose everything he holds dear. It looks like Brian is slowly creating a rift between XX and XY. It sounds like he wants his "daughter" to stop believing in Kyle and solely trust him (Brian) so he will have total control over her. You bet that this relationship can only end badly.

The social worker

Kyle XY
The Tragers were told that Children Services were called because someone thought that Kyle was living without proper supervision and being disruptive to the community. We all, as did the Tragers, pointed the finger at Carol. When Amanda confronted her mother in front of the others, it is implied that Carol may have indeed filed the complaint. Sadly, the episode cut slightly before the end for me. We know that the social worker is answering to higher "evil" powers. Did we see who? So it can be assumed that Amanda's mother didn't make the call? Is she a real social worker working for both the Children Services and the bad guy(s)? If so, will she file the complaint against Nicole?

Other scenes of interest
  • Kyle XY
    Lori saying that she is the most responsible one in the same sentence where she admits she is hiding beer for a friend!
  • Amanda and Jessi fighting over who knew Kyle better and who deserved his time was like watching two cats fight! Jessi will surely try to back stab Amanda a few more times to ensure that she wins Kyle over!
  • Stephen warning Kyle that it is not good parenting to ask him to eavesdrop on Nicole and the social worker and then asking Kyle to continue!
Best lines of the week
  • "My mom is going to kill me!" - Amanda
  • "How could doing something so wrong, feels so right?" - Kyle
  • "My guess is that she'll be thrilled to get a break from her mother!" - Stephen
  • "As if we're the kind of kids who'd smuggle in one of their runaway girlfriends or something." - Josh
  • "I have to hide all my porn!" - Josh
  • "Tap into that little cunning brain of yours and come up with something quick." - Lori to Josh
  • "The real problem is you have no idea and no interest in who I am and what I want." - Amanda to Carol

The amazing thing is Kyle control the electricity. Haha..