YESTERDAY WE LEARN χθες μαθαίνουμε , TODAY WE PRACTISE σήμερα ασκούμε , TOMORROW WE ACHIEVE αύριο επιτυγχάνουμε

Saturday, February 28, 2009

All The Best for FINAL


May 02 Saturday
0830-1115 Haematology (amali)
1400-1600Haematology (theory)

May 03 Sunday
0900-1100 Histopathology (amali)
1400-1645 Histopathology (theory)

May 04 Monday
0900-1100 Bio Chemistry (amali)
1400-1645 Bio Chemistry (theory)

May 05 Tuesday
0830-1115 Parasitology (theory)
1400-1600 Parasitology (amali)

May 06 Wednesday
0830-1115 Blood Bank (theory)
1445-1645 Blood Bank (amali)

May 07 Thursday
0830-1115 Cytology (theory)
1400-1600 Cytology (amali)

May 08 Friday
0830-1115 Microbiology (theory)
1445-1645 Microbiology (amali)

June 15 till 28 (Induksi)

Packed one week final exam start from weekend...i repeat that...weekend.The whole week without gap.i thought MS ISO that we followed required us to sit exam in 3 weeks.Even Masters students have their gap for their exam.What i'm worried is about the health of students.It's not quantity we need but most about quality.QUALITY.You know what the word means? might did not know or care about that even how its spelling.It'snt? QC (Quality Control) and QA(Quality Assurance) doesn't passed right.Haa..haa.. ok my friends,let prove them wrong.Or we can have them sit for the exam exactly packed like us and see how far their performance...
OK all the best..
i-kareiji gakusei,issho kemmei

Thursday, February 26, 2009

From Aleph to Tav Dari Alif ke Ya

開端 (アル・ファーティハ)

1. 慈悲あまねく慈愛深きアッラーの御名において。

2. 万有の主,アッラーにこそ凡ての称讃あれ,

3. 慈悲あまねく慈愛深き御方,

4. 最後の審きの日の主宰者に。

5. わたしたちはあなたにのみ崇め仕え,あなたにのみ御助けを請い願う。

6. わたしたちを正しい道に導きたまえ,

7. あなたが御恵みを下された人々の道に,あなたの怒りを受けし者,また踏み迷える人々の道ではなく。

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More things on heaven

Pagi tadi 45 minit sebelum matahari terbit selepas solat subuh,3 buah planet iaitu Musytari (Jupiter), Zuhrah (Mercury) dan Marikh (Mars) mula bergerak memasuki formasi garis lurus (conjunction/Occultation). Ketiga-tiga "beradik'planet ini berada dalam kedudukan selari dan dapat dilihat dengan mudah, cuma planet kembar Bumi,Mars agak terselindung di balik biasan cahaya matahari yang terbit dari timur. Untuk pemerhatian terbaik lihat pada 24 Feb 2009 (selasa ini).Pencerapan ini dapat dilakukan sehingga hujung bulan dan awal bulan depan.

Kira bertuah jika dapat lihat 'forecast graphics' angkasa ni.Lagi pula banyak kengkawan angkasa turut ada.Comet Lulin, formasi bulan baru dan Uncle a.k.a Pak Cik Ceres.Comet Lulin akan berada pada jarak terdekat dengan bumi, dan berkedudukan selari pulak dengan planet Zuhal (Saturn).Tetapi lepas tu beliau nak pergi merantau jauh(Saudara Comet Lulin ini tidak akan "melawat" kawasan kejiranan keluarga sistem suria kita buat tempoh 1000 tahun akan datang).Si Uncle Ceres ni (asteroid yang telah diklasifikasikan sebagai dwarf planet yang berdiameter 590 batu) mungkin dapat dilihat sama di antara orbit Mars dan Jupiter.

Memang meriahlah langit kita 2009 ni...namun kedudukan selari ketiga-tiga planet dan kehadiran objek angkasa ni secara teorinya menganggu sedikit sistem gravitasi,pasang surut air laut dan bulan ...jadi mungkin berlaku ribut,gempa bumi,atau letusan gunung berapi dari 26 feb-1 mac.Apa-apa pun,jom lakukan skodeng (proses pencerapan) dan menambah iman dengan mengagumi ciptaan Yang Maha Esa.Mata ni dah selalu skodeng dengan mikroskop dalam lab sekali sekala nak guna teleskop plak...JOM!

Eclipses for 2009

2009 January 26
[ Solar: Annular ]
2009 February 09
[ Lunar: Penumbral ]
2009 July 07
[ Lunar: Penumbral ]
2009 July 21-22
[ Solar: Total ]
2009 August 05-06
[ Lunar: Penumbral ]
2009 December 31
[ Lunar: Penumbral ]

2009 Meteor Shower Calendar

ShowerActivity PeriodMaximumRadiantVelocityrZHRClassMoon
Antihelion Source (ANT) Dec 14-Sep 07 - - - - 30 3.0 3 II -
Quadrantids (QUA) Dec 26-Jan 13 Jan 03 283°16 15:20 +49° 42 2.1 120 I 6
Alpha Centaurids (ACE) Jan 28-Feb 21 Feb 07 319°2 14:00 -59° 56 2.0 5 II 12
Delta Leonids (DLE) Feb 15-Mar 10 Feb 25 336° 11:12 +16° 23 3.0 2 II 0
Gamma Normids (GNO) Feb 25-Mar 22 Mar 13 353° 16:36 -51° 56 2.4 4 II 16
Lyrids (LYR) Apr 16-Apr 27 Apr 23 033° 18:12 +33° 46 2.1 18 I 27
Pi Puppids (PPU) Apr 15-Apr 28 Apr 23 033°5 07:20 -45° 18 2.0 var III 27
Eta Aquarids (ETA) Apr 27-May 23 May 07 047° 22:36 -01° 68 2.4 60 I 12
Eta Lyrids (ELY) May 06-May 14 May 10 050° 19:22 +43° 43 3.0 3 II 15
June Bootids (JBO) Jun 22-Jul 02 Jun 27 095°7 14:56 +48° 18 2.2 var III 5
Piscis Austrinids (PAU) Jul 15-Aug 10 Jul 28 125° 22:44 -30° 35 3.2 5 II 7
Alpha Capricornids (CAP) Jul 12-Aug 08 Jul 28 125° 20:20 -10° 24 2.5 4 II 7
Delta Aquarids (SDA) Jul 21-Aug 30 Jul 30 127° 22:42 -17° 43 3.2 20 I 9
Perseids (PER) Jul 13-Aug 26 Aug 12 140° 03:12 +58° 59 2.6 100 I 20
Kappa Cygnids (KCG) Aug 03-Aug 25 Aug 17 145° 19:04 +59° 25 3.0 3 II 25
Alpha Aurigids (AUR) Aug 28-Sep 03 Sep 01 158°6 06:06 +39° 65 2.6 7 II 11
September Perseids (SPR) Sep 06-Sep 13 Sep 10 168° 03:12 +40° 65 2.9 5 II 19
Delta Aurigids (DAU) Sep 18-Oct 10 Sep 29 186° 05:52 +49° 64 2.9 2 II 13
Draconids (GIA) Oct 06-Oct 10 Oct 08 195°4 17:28 +54° 20 2.6 var III 18
Southern Taurids (STA) Sep 18-Nov 26 Oct 11 198° 02:18 +09° 29 2.3 5 II 21
Epsilon Geminids (EGE) Oct 18-Oct 21 Oct 20 207° 06:48 +28° 71 3.0 2 II 2
Orionids (ORI) Sep 28-Nov 10 Oct 21 208° 06:22 +16° 68 2.5 23 I 3
Leo Minorids (LMI) Oct 17-Oct 27 Oct 23 209° 10:40 +37° 61 2.7 2 II 4
Northern Taurids (NTA) Oct 20-Nov 29 Nov 13 231° 03:52 +22° 29 2.3 5 II 25
Leonids (LEO) Nov 07-Nov 28 Nov 18 236° 10:16 +22° 71 2.5 var III 1
Alpha Monocerotids (AMO) Nov 15-Nov 25 Nov 21 239°32 07:48 +01° 65 2.4 var III 4
Dec Phoenicids (PHO) Nov 28-Dec 09 Dec 06 254°25 01:12 -53° 18 2.8 var III 18
Puppid/Velids (PUP) Dec 01-Dec 15 Dec 07 255° 08:12 -45° 40 2.9 10 I 19
Monocerotids (MON) Dec 06-Dec 20 Dec 07 255° 06:32 +09° 41 3.0 2 II 10
Sigma Hydrids (HYD) Nov 22-Dec 23 Dec 09 257° 08:24 +03° 60 3.0 3 II 21
Geminids (GEM) Dec 05-Dec 19 Dec 14 262°2 07:36 +32° 35 2.6 120 I 26
Coma Berenicids (COM) Dec 10-Jan 25 Dec 19 268° 11:40 +25° 64 3.0 5 II 3
Ursids (URS) Dec 16-Dec 25 Dec 22 270°7 14:34 +75° 32 3.0 10 I 5

Information and Table Template Courtesy The American Meteor Society, International Meteor Organization, and Meteors Online.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Overview AML for amali

Bone marrow aspirate smear,Wright-Giemsa stain (1000 times)
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)
> 30% sel blast dalam sum-sum tulang
terdapat Auer's rods(pengumpulan atau fusi primary granules) dalam sitoplasma Myeloblast dan promyelocytes
80% dewasa
15-20% budak

Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)
Klasifikasi FAB (France America Britain)
M0 Undifferentiated AML
M1 AML with Minimal Maturation
M2 AML with Maturation
M3 Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia
M4 Acute Myelomonocytic Leukaemia
M5 Acute Monocytic Leukaemia
M6 Erythroleukaemia atau Sindrom Di Guglielmo
M7 Acute Megakaryocytic Leukaemia atau Acute Myelofibrosis

Simptom klinikal
anaemia-pucat,lemah,letih & dyspnoea
neutropenia-fever & infection
thrombocytopenia-bleeding,bruishing & petecchial
sakit tulang & tulang lembut-proliferasi sel marrow meningkat
spleenomegaly, hepatomegaly & lymphadenopathy

Penyiasatan Makmal

1 Profil hematologi
RBC:normochromic normocytic.Terdapat juga macrocyte,tear drop cells,elliptocyte,spherocytes & schistocytes.Coarse basophilic stippling & NRBC
Platelet: thrombocytopenia
WBC:variable.Terdapat banyak blast cells dalam smear darah.Auer rods ada  mungkin ada dalam sitoplasma blast (M2) & multiple Auers rods atau faggots (M3).Neutropenia & terjumpa sel-sel blast  seperti promyelocytes,Myelocytes,& metamyelocytes
2.Bone Marrow:Hypercellular.Sel blast > 30% dalam marrow
Cytochemistry stains
Peroxidase/Sudan Black B +ve
Naphthal AS-D Chloroacetate
(Specific Esterase ) +ve
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) -ve
Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate
(Non specific esterases) +ve(M4 & M5)
Serum/Urine Muramidase +ve(M4 & M5)
Acid Phosphatase -ve
4.Immunophenotyping (marker studies)
5.Chromosome studies (Cytogenetic0
6.Molecular analysis

p/s ini ringkasan je...nak lebih maklumat kena banyak baca le.Refresh your knowledge...

World With Lab Orat Ories...

Selamat Berposting kepada senior batch Jan'06-Dis'08 
(penyelaras Pn.Boob Pa)
Selamat melaporkan diri di Makmal Jabatan Patologi Hospital seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia esok,Feb 10th 2009
p/s ramai lagi batch diorang ni 61 orang...gambaq ni aku cilok kat blog diorang lah masa diorang BTN...he..he..wait for us after this..

Gerhana Bulan Malam ni

Watch lunar eclipse tonight,Feb 09th 2009 Monday 
from 8.39 pm till 12.38 am
Maximum eclipse: 10.38pm till 12.38 
Nusantara and Pasific Asia (Alaska,Hawaii,Australia)
Tonight moon (100% of full)


Starry night

This is from the Earth...the sky tonight..This is the sky from the moon
Same coordinate..
Latitude: 3° 8' 50" N
Longitude: 101° 41' 16" E
The Earth: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
The Moon:Near Saeger,Crater
This is the sky around Kota Bharu and Bachok look like tonight...
Latitude: 6

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dah nak kiamat ke?

Talk about current situation make me it the world coming to an end? Al Mahdi has yet to appear and the Muslims awaiting his appearance.In the hadist,the prophet (saw) said "the world will not come to an end until a man from my family (descendant) will appear among the people and rule with justice".Fortunately,the prophet (saw) provided us with various signs on the coming of the Mahdi to inform us about his approach.These signs will be events that will occure of Earth.One of the signs of the coming of the Mahdi is the coming of a star (comet) with a luminous tail near Earth lighting up the sky and causing sinking of coastal areas.The prophet (saw) said:"on the 15th of Ramadhan,friday night there will be a voice(blast)that will awaken asleep,that will alarm the awake,the noble ladies will come out of their seclusion.That day there will be too many earthquakes".Therefore,there will be three major landslides like never seen before.One in the East,one in the West and one in the Arabian peninsular.The earth will swallow everything above it and as a result,many people will die.When these disasterious events take place,it looks like without a doubt that technologies,electricities,buildings,cities,skycrapers etc...will all be destroyed.I mean all the human developments will cease to exist.Believe it or not we will go back to the dark ages.

The prophet (saw)said" after me there will be a landslide in the East,a landslide in the West and a landslide in peninsula of Arabia.On hearing this Ummu Salmah(one of the prophet sahabah/friend)asked" Oh messenger of Allah,will the Earth swallow what's above it though there are some pious people above it".The prophet (saw)replied,"when its inhibitants exceed doing bad and evil".Could this events foretold by Prophet Muhammad (saw) be the planet X(Nibiru) predicted to occure on 2012 by scientists.Only Allah know.Allah says,"So thou wait for the day when the heaven shall bring a smoke manifest surrounding the people this is a paintful chastisement".Prophet (saw) said:"The final hour will not come until you see a smoke that will rise and cover the whole world.The smoke will affect both the believers and non believers alike remaining for a period of 40 days and nights.After that Dajjal will come out...Gog and Magog (Yakjuj Makjuj)...The Mahdi and Jesus will spread peace and justice then...
Muslims wait for the second coming of Jesus (peace be upon him).Please refers to the Qur'an,hadist and science about the end of the world.

you can visit the arrivals

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sumthing 2 share

Credits to constantilluminations Thanks for da article.About International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Another MUET but this test is recognised throughout the globe.

IELTS, one of the major english tests that universities in English-speaking countries require. Those who wanna study or work overseas must having this test. 

Kinds of Test

Academic Version and General Training Version. Obviously, Academic Version is for prospective students and General Training is for those who apply in working overseas or immigration purposes.

Structure of Test

 Two questions. First is data representation.So you will face the pie charts, the bar charts, graphs and other stats. Put them into  words of 150. Penalty' (marks deduction if less)Second question,they will give you a topic.Its might be a factual essay, discussion or argumentative essay. 250 words. These two tasks should be done within an hour.


 Composition. There are four passages, they may be excerpts from a novel, an article on construction of an unknown material-advertisements/brochures. You have to answer around 6 questions on the passage. Four passages sound easy peasy to comprehend and answer within an hour, right? Every passage 500-900 in words.Haa..haa.. Bugdet your time. So,I advise you to read the questions first.

(Writing and reading components for the Academic Version are more difficult than those of General Training)

An interview will be conducted by an appointed guy/lady of British Council.It's for your fluency, grammar accuracy and appropriate use of words and expressions.The interviewer will ask spontaneous questions about you before giving a topic that's assigned to you.So you can be creative with it and maybe get a few extra pointers for that! The duration would approximately be 15 minutes per candidate.

You will have to listen closely to the conversation aired, simultaneously answering the questions regarding it.British accent and the conversations vary in speed. So,concentration is vital. 

Grade Rewarding

. They rate you using a 'band scale' from 0 to 9. 0 being "Did Not Attempt The Test" and 9 "Expert User".Expert user ni description - Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.

Every component will be awarded a 'band' but the overall score is the one needed for most applications. Some universities do want specific scores for each of the component though.

Sounds wonderful to get a 9, doesn't it? Well you know yours...

Results are usually known 14 working days after the test date.

If you're a private candidate, you can download application form here, choose a suitable test date and send to  British Council.
Bring along RM550 in your pocket...extra money is nice too.
If you're under scholarship, Your scholar provider will pay you off.

All the best,May the best men wins!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Make the world in your hand

O Allah, please put this world in my hand and not in my heart for I desire the heart which always remember You all the time. Please forgive me for I have sin. Verily You are the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

this wallpaper currently be on my desktop....and i currently listen to and

Some info for u to know


1) Don't smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher). 

2) Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or before meal. 

3) Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.Tea good for your health but do not drink after a meal...wait for minutes 

4) Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

5) Don't bathe - Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6) Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake. 

7) Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Would like to know your mobile is original or not?!!
type *#06#

After you enter the code you will see a new code contain 15 digits:
4 3 4 5 6 6 1 0 6 7 8 9 4 3 5

- IF the digit number Seven & Eight (angka yang ke-7 dan ke-8) is 02 or 20 that mean it was Assembly on Emirates which is very Bad quality :(

- IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 08 or 80 that mean it¢s manufactured in Germany which is not bad

- IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 01 or 10 that mean it¢s manufactured in Finland which is Good

- IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 00 that mean it was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality ...

- IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 13 that mean it was Assembly on Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and very dangerous for health!!!

Well mine is "01"....!
who cares...! haha