YESTERDAY WE LEARN χθες μαθαίνουμε , TODAY WE PRACTISE σήμερα ασκούμε , TOMORROW WE ACHIEVE αύριο επιτυγχάνουμε

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Exam fever...

This is the real picture of us.I mean my roomates and me....Oooiii study la woi!
This is me,playing a guitar.Emmm...i hope so!
My home sweet home from the satellite view.I miss home
Ok,i need to study for my final exam .Its start from this saturday till May 16th.Wish me luck and pray for us.Chow sin chow...till meet you in the next post.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Could be another Tsunami in the nearest time?

Terdapat khabar angin yang tersebar luas ketika ini, mengatakan akan berlakunya satu tsunami yang dahsyat pada 22 Julai 2009, pada hari berlakunya gerhana matahari kedua bagi tahun 2009 ini. Dikatakan akan berlakunya 3 gempa bumi bawah laut yang melangkaui bacaan 7 pada skala Richter di perairan luar pantai Taiwan, barat atau Selatan Jepun dan di gugusan kepulauan Pasifik Selatan, yang masing-masing berada dalam lingkungan laluan gerhana.Kebanyakan aktiviti seismik luar biasa akan berlaku di Selatan Jepun dan sekitar Taiwan.Meskipun begitu Indonesia berkemungkinan akan mengalami gempa bumi susulan berikutan kedudukannya yang tidak jauh daripada laluan gerhana.

Mengikut teori, Tsunami dicetuskan oleh sama ada gempa bumi,bendalah daripada langit yang jatuh seperti cerita Deep Impact,atau bongkahan ais yang jatuh kat nun jauh di Kutub Utara Selatan.Rata-rata memang tersedia maklum bahawa gempa bumi berlaku akibat pergerakan plat tektonik dan amat jarang yang tahu mengenai kesan yang boleh dibawa oleh tarikan graviti gerhana.Sebenarnya tarikan graviti daripada gerhana (apabila bumi berada sejajar dengan matahari,bulan atau planet lain) akan memangkin dan mencetus aktiviti seismik samalah seperti enhancement reagent yang kita belajar untuk Blood Bank (Liss,polyethelene glycol,albumin,hexadimethine bromide,etc).

Ramalan mengatakan kejadian (gempa bumi) ini akan berlaku sekitar 3pm-7pm (tempoh gerhana) bakal mengakibatkan bencana yang besar (Tsunami)di negara-negara sekitar termasuk Malaysia (Sabah Sarawak, Pantai Timur Semenanjung),Singapura ,Filipina,Selatan Korea dan China,negara IndoChina,Pantai Timur Sumatera malah ada yang mengandaikan Australia dan New Zealand mungkin terdedah kepada bencana ini juga.

Gempa bumi dan Tsunami 26 Disember 2004,ombak sampai menyapu pantai benua Afrika.Gempa dan Tsunami 22 Julai 2009 yang diramalkan pula bakal menyapu Pantai benua Amerika.Tsunami hari itu banyak le pulak ikan-ikan yang tiba-tiba timbul.Baru-baru ni kan banyak betul benda-benda pelik dari laut timbul macam sotong kat Terengganu.Entahlah...

Walau bagaimanapun, kesahihan berita ini wajar diragui kerana sehingga kini tiada kenyataan rasmi dibuat oleh agensi-agensi meteorologi & kaji bumi dari mana-mana negara, kecuali sedikit kenyataan dari seorang professor fizik, Universiti Tokyo yang meramalkan kejadian ini tanpa apa-apa asas atau kajian lanjut.

Apapun, bumi kita ini sudah semakin lanjut usianya. Dan, gempa bumi yang semakin kerap dan silih berganti berlaku di Timur telah lama di ceritakan sebagai salah satu daripada tanda-tanda kiamat.

p/s : tahun lalu aku sering bermimpi pasal Tsunami.Aku lihat ada objek muncul daripada langit,kemudian langit gelap,ketika itu aku kat tepi pantai,orang ramai,burung-burung putih dengan banyaknya muncul,ikan-ikan dolphin pun aku ada nampak.Pantai tiba-tiba terseret tiada air,kemudian ombak besar datang,ramai bertempiaran lari.Memang betul aku mimpi tsunami melanda pantai timur semenanjung Malaysia.Memang dasyat..tapi dalam mimpi aku tu jambatan yang menghubungkan Sumatera dan Pulau Jawa runtuh(tapi jambatan tu mana diorang buat lagi kan).Tsunami yang aku mimpi tu menyapu pantai-pantai di Utara Australia sekali terutamanya Christmas Island.Bencana tu reda setelah aku mendengar suara azan.Ini cuma mimpi aku je...


Jasamu tetap dikenang wahai guruku

Temuramah aku bersama dua pengajar yang bakal bertukar:
Puan Boob Pa a/p Init adalah salah seorang daripada pengajar Haematologi.Beliau berasal daripada Sik,Kedah Darul Aman.Anak sulung daripada 5 orang adik-beradik.Status,sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai 3 orang anak-2 lelaki dan seorang perempuan.Selain daripada modul Haematologi,beliau juga turut mengajar peralatan makmal (laboratory instrumentation) untuk semester 1.
Beliau merupakan penyelaras atau co-ordinator untuk batch Januari'06-Disember '08 iaitu batch senior sebelum kami.Selain daripada itu beliau pernah menjadi penyelaras untuk kursus pos basik sebanyak 3 kali iaitu haemostasis 2 dan pengurusan makmal 1.
Pernah berkerja untuk Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia.Kerjaya beliau bermula daripada Juruteknologi Makmal Perubatan,first posting di Hospital Besar Kuala Terengganu pada 1hb November 1993(setahun).Kemudian bertukar ke Kuala Neran selama 6 bulan sebelum ke Hospital Baling selama 4 tahun.Pada tahun 1998,beliau bertukar ke Perlis dan pada 2 tahun berikutnya beliau kembali ke Baling dan bekerja di sebuah Klinik Kesihatan Kupang serta turut menguruskan 5 buah klinik di sekitar Baling .Sambil-sambil itu beliau mengambil kursus mengajar di UNISEL. Kerjaya ini berterusan sehinggalah beliau dilantik menjadi pengajar.
Beliau menjadi pensyarah di Kolej Teknologi Makmal Perubatan Kuala Lumpur bermula pada 06hb Ogos 2002 sehinggalah akhir bulan April tahun ini.Dalam 6 tahun dan 8 bulan jugalah beliau mencurah bakti di sini.
Kenangan manis beliau adalah apabila apabila dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana kerja yang berbeza-beza dan apabila batch jagaan beliau dapat bersatu dan berakhir dengan happy ending.Hobi beliau adalah menjahit dan mengait.Harapan untuk warga kolej terutamanya para pelatih,berusaha untuk berjaya dan berharap modul haematologi sentiasa mempunyai kesinambungan.Kitaorang memang sayangkan puan.Beliau akan bertukar ke bahagian latihan di Putrajaya.

p/s aku temu ramah beliau dekat Medan Selera petang semalam...susah nak berjumpa beliau sekarang.Beliau singgah dekat kedai adik beliau dan on the way nak pergi joging kat Tasik Titiwangsa

Cik Noor Fazilah binti Mohd Fadzee juga merupakan pengajar Haematologi.Selain daripada modul haematologi beliau turut mengajar immunologi untuk semester 1.Beliau merupakan ketua immunologi bagi semester 1.Berasal daripada Pulau Pinang.Status,masih single....tapi emm..mesti confirm dah berpunya.
Beliau pernah menjadi guru sandaran tak terlatih (GSTT) di 5 buah sekolah menengah di negeri kelahiran beliau selepas sahaja grad. daripada UPM (2003-2005).Mengajar untuk 6 subjek iaitu Sains ,Kimia,Biologi,Matematik,Bahasa Inggeris dan Pendidikan Seni.
Selepas itu beliau menjadi pensyarah di sebuah kolej swasta.Pernah menjawat sebagai Ketua Jabatan Bioteknologi (2005-2006) di kolej berkenaan.Beliau memulakan kerjaya di Kolej Teknologi Makmal Perubatan Kuala Lumpur pada 19 April 2007 sehingga akhir bulan April tahun ini.Dalam 2 tahun beliau di sini.Beliau masuk semasa akhir semester dua kami,jadi kami hanya berpeluang belajar daripada beliau semasa semester 3 dan 6 sahaja.
Kalau nak tahu beliau bergiat aktif dalam aktiviti seperti tarian,pantun,kebudayaan dan pandai mencetus idea.Hobi suka tengok movies tapi kat rumah la.Pengalaman manis adalah apabila dapat berkerja di kolej ini dan apabila setiap program yang diuruskan berjaya.Seronok semasa camping di Dusun Eco Resort,Lembah Pangsun dan yang terbaru semasa menyertai rombongan kolej ke Port Dickson.Harapan beliau agar setiap pelatih berjaya dan menyambung pengajian ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.

p/s : dua orang pengajar bertukar ke tempat baru,seorang cuti bersalin.Tinggallah dua orang pengajar Haematologi untuk uruskan persiapan peperiksaan akhir.Emm..dengar khabar En.Syahid dan Cik Kalai bakal diserap ke modul Haematologi tapi next sem lah.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu (H1N1)

The new strain of swine flu (selesema babi,H1N1) virus that has killed 149 people in Mexico spread to more countries on Tuesday, raising the specter of a pandemic and hurting financial markets and airline stocks.Health officials confirmed cases in New Zealand and Israel on Tuesday. No one has died outside Mexico but there were also confirmed cases in the United States, Canada, Britain and Spain.Possible cases were reported in Australia, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway and South Korea.The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised its alert level to indicate a significantly increased risk of pandemic.The flu outbreak could be at least as bad as that of the 2003 SARS crisis.

Allah said in the holy Qur'an:

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Aku tidak dapati dalam apa yang telah diwahyukan kepadaku, sesuatu yang diharamkan bagi orang yang hendak memakannya melainkan kalau benda itu bangkai, atau darah yang mengalir, atau daging babi - kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah kotor - atau sesuatu yang dilakukan secara fasik, iaitu binatang yang disembelih atas nama yang lain dari Allah". Kemudian sesiapa yang terpaksa (memakannya kerana darurat) sedang ia tidak mengingininya dan tidak melampaui batas, maka sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.(Surah al-an'am verse 145).


Say (O Muhammad ): "I find not in that which has been inspired to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be a dead animal or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork, etc.) for that surely is impure, or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allâh (or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allâh's Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering). But whosoever is forced by necessity without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, (for him) certainly, your Lord is OftForgiving, Most Merciful."

Swine flu outbreak needs human to think and ponder into every verse of the Qur'an as the first divine revelation God gaves to the last messenger:IQRA’.

اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ
bacalah dengan menyebut nama Tuhan-mu Yang menciptakan…

Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists),


"O Auf ibn Malik! Shall I recite you six signs preceding Doomsday?" I [Auf ibn Malik] said: "What are they, o Rasullulah?" He [The Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace)] said: "Two fatal diseases, such as cholera and anthrax, will spread among you."
(Sahih Bukhari)

Two fatal diseases will spread among you, such as the Ikasu'l-Ganem [a fatal and epidemic animal disease].
(Jami` al-Ushul, vol. 10, p. 412)

Source from the Bible:

There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from Heaven. (Luke 21:11)


What is swine influenza?

It is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A strains of the influenza virus. It regularly causes high flu outbreaks in pigs but with low death rates. There are four main sub-types of the virus, but the most recent isolated influenza viruses from pigs have been H1N1 viruses.

How does it spread?

Swine flu viruses do not typically infect humans though they do occur through close proximity or contact with infected pigs or contaminated areas. Cases of human-to-human spread have been documented.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are similar to those of regular flu:
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Runny nose
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Lack of appetite
- Vomiting and diarrhoea in some cases.

How common is swine flu infection in humans?

In the past reports of about one human swine flu virus infection had been received every one to two years in the United States. From December 2005 till February 2009, 12 cases have been reported.

Has this strain of flu been seen before?

No. Flu mutates constantly, so it is common for new strains to emerge. Pigs can also be infected with both human and avian influenza, and the current circulating swine flu strain appears to contain genetic elements from all three.

Can swine flu be treated with antiviral drugs and flu vaccine?

The swine flu is resistant to two common drugs – Amantadine and Rimantadine. The H1N1 swine flu viruses are very different from human H1N1 viruses. Therefore, vaccines for human seasonal flu would not provide protection. However, a “seed vaccine” has been specifically tailored to this swine flu and will be manufactured if officials deem it necessary.

Can people catch swine flu by eating pork?

No. Swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food. Eating properly handled and cooked pork and pork products is safe. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 70ºC and above kills the swine flu virus.

How long is someone with swine flu considered contagious?

People with swine influenza virus infection should be considered potentially contagious as long as they are symptomatic; possibly for up to seven days following the onset of the illness. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.

What can I do to protect myself from the swine flu?

There is no vaccine available right now to protect against the swine flu.

However, you can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza by:

- Covering your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or handkerchief when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the waste basket after you use it.

- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also helpful.If you are a Muslim,you should be thankful cause God makes abulation (wudhu) as a compulsory before you pray.Five times per day.Its can prevent all the bacterial and virus infection,Godwilling

- Try to avoid close contact with sick people. - If you get sick with influenza, stay at home and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

- Consult your nearest healthcare facility if you think you have any of the symptoms.

Which countries have had cases of the swine flu?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed human cases of swine flu in Mexico, the United States, Canada and Spain. Only Mexico has reported deaths from the new strain.

Are there any travel restrictions or advisories for Malaysians?

The Health Ministry on April 27 advised Malaysians against travelling to certain places in the United States, Mexico and Canada which have been affected by the swine flu.

What precautions are in place in Malaysia?

- The Health Ministry’s operations room in Putrajaya has started a 24-hour monitoring of the situation. The public can call 03-8881 0200/300 for enquiries.

- Those returning from Latin American countries and found to have flu-like symptoms will be quarantined.

- Health Ministry officials are conducting health screenings on passengers arriving from the United States.

- Thermal scanners will be placed at international airports to speed up the screening process for swine flu.

- Public and private medical practitioners have been instructed to report to the district health office any patient with influenza-like illnesses or severe pneumonia symptoms and who had travelled to the affected countries after April 17.

- Owners of the 797 pig farms nationwide have been ordered to immediately contact the nearest Veterinary Services Department office or the Animal Disease Control Centre if their workers or animals show symptoms linked to the swine flu.

Where can I get more information?

For more information, go to the Health Ministry or call the Ministry's hotline at (03) 8881-0200/300.

Useful Links:
World Health Organization:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Homeland Security Department
WHO swine flu page


Monday, April 27, 2009


Four days to go for Final Exam...there is no more main-main,i need to concentrate on my study.I'm not aims for work only but to pursue my studies into the higher level.I'm out in the weekend.Not study at all.Spent my money on May19th Farewell Dinner,buy some stuff like clothes.Almost RM 300.Emm...Today till thursday is a revision week for us.No study week here.We have labour day on friday.That is the only day we have before sit for the exam on the next day.
So many troubles come out.Why it's too hard for me to find a good friends? friends that we call sahabah.Well,i know i'm not a perfect person.I'm no longer a nice guy.No longer be a member for surau.I'm changed."Ikhwan dah berubah,terlalu terbuka.Bukan Ikhwan yang aku kenal dulu".I'm not change.I'm still the same Ikhwan.The same guy that you know.O'come on,I just did not want to be the same guy that only know to agree and being nice to offensive friends.I'm sorry...i can't stand anymore.I think i'm going to take a leave for some where on the earth after this semester ends.
Ikhwan's thoughts in voiceover:
there's someone out there who made you,who cares about you very much.In the midst of a confusing situation,you may not be able to see or appreciate Him,but He's there and He wants you to have the answers to all of your questions


Monday, April 20, 2009

Tahniah,it's a baby boy

I got a sms from Puan Asmah this morning.She's gave birth to her first baby this morning at 6.50 am at Darul Ehsan Medical Centre [DEMC] ,Seksyen 9 Shah Alam.Baby boy...Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow she will drop in the college before leave for her hometown in Kuantan.Congratulation,take cares of your baby and your health.
Puan Asmah is one of our haematology lecturers.Very dedicated and natural in person....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do you ever ask this?

Why is my pee yellow in the morning, but clear in the evening?
Meh,kita lihat apa yang terkandung dalam urin anda:Well, let's take a look at what's in your pee:
urine contents

Sure, a whole lot of ions and chemicals, salts, proteins, enzymes, hormones, and other metabolites are found in urine. But what makes it yellow? The distinctive yellow color comes from urobilin, which is a chemical formed, eventually, from the breakdown of hemoglobin. You can even (kind of) see how it happens; start with a heme group:

Heme molecule

and then break it down and remove the iron! Take a look at how alike these molecules are:

Urobilin molecule

So when your urine contains a lot of urobilins, it's quite yellow, and when it's low on urobilins, it's closer to clear. So that's the easy answer, but we can dig a little deeper. First off, what are we doing destroying all of this hemoglobin? Don't you need it to live?

Of course you do, but your circulatory system is constantly ordering replacement parts. Your body is constantly making new red blood cells, replacing the old ones every 4 months or so.

red blood cells

But there are about 30 trillion red blood cells in the human body, meaning you are both destroying (and making) new red blood cells at a rate of around 2.7 million cells per second. What's more, is that every red blood cell has about 270 million hemoglobin molecules in it, with each one capable of carrying four oxygen molecules (and having four heme groups).

Hemoglobin in red blood cells

All told, assuming you sleep for 8 hours at night, your body has destroyed 78 billion red blood cells, now has to get rid of 8.4 x 10^19 heme molecules, and has ingested no water over that time. Now, most of these molecules wind up in your stool instead of your urine, but they've been able to determine that typical human urine contains around 8 mg of urobilin, which equates to about 10% of the broken-down heme molecules winding up in there.

But over the day, you're drinking water, and so you're diluting the amount of urobilin in your urine by a significant amount, allowing you to pee clear by the afternoon under normal circumstances. Someone like me -- who drinks about 4 liters of water a day -- gets their evening urine down to about one-sixth of the urobilin density found in their morning pee. Put simply, the determining factor for healthy people is hydration.

Hydration scale

all credits to Ethen Siegel from scienceblogs.

How to motivate yourself

As simple as 1,2,3
  1. always keep hope going for you
  2. believe,and never stop believing,that the tide always comes back
  3. reliaze there is more potential strength built into you than you have ever demonstrated
  4. to use a powerful phrase-dare to be what you want to be and can be
  5. never take no for an answer
  6. do your best and leave the results to Allah [God]
  7. drop the 3 L's-lack,loss,limitation-from your vocabulary
  8. hold the image of the life you want and make the image become fact
  9. keep on hitting,keep on trying
  10. and don't forget prayers.It release power
-and remember...always remember-you can if you think you can

"The positive thinker,instead,sending out optimistic and positive thoughts,activates the world around him positively.On the basis of the same law of attraction,he draws back to himself positive results.He works and keeps on working.He thinks and keeps on thinking.He believes and keeps on believing.He never lets up,never gives in.He gives the effort the full treatment of positive faith and action.Result? He can because he thinks he can.His dreams come true....he attains his goals...miracles happen". -Norman Vincent Peale
We must grab skills and capabilities as much as we can because the world is likes playing chess.It is a fact.Win or loss... In chess,i don't likes the King.Why? becoz he did not have any skills and POWER,only being hope to be proctected by his soldiers,horses,castles,ministries and even his wife (the queen control).What he can doing is look and see.Then...oppss check mate.Ha..haa.. what is the hopeless King? Only knows to move for a square in chess...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Someone call me Micki...

Today after Microbiology lab sesion,i interviewed Cik Fadzilah.En.Lutfi also come into the room.There is a lot of things we talk and share about.I can't find Puan Boob Pa.May be she already back to home.I will conclude the interview in the next post coz i need to interview Puan Boob Pa and upload their pictures.Funny things happen,I borrowed a camera from Iki (one of my friends) to capture the pictures but the camera is running out of battery.Yooo...padan muka aku..ha..ha..At the end of the interview,Bro(Azuan),Adam and Kumaran come into the room.Bro and Adam already perform their asar prayer.After the interview we walk to PWTC for KL International Book Fair 2009.Today is its first day.This fair start today and will be end on the 26th of April.

Kumaran ask me: Ikhwan,kamu tak solat ke?
Me: alamak......saya akan solat bila sampai kat PWTC nanti
Me: emmmm....

My brother (Angah) call me this evening while i'm in the lab.I ask him to call me in the night.He call me.We're talking about 15 minutes.He call from home .Holiday? no, he miss home.(Study week).His final exam will be on for three weeks,start from 21st April till 10th May.All The Best,Bro.I talk to all my family members tonight.From what they eat for dinner to my siblings exam result.My form 4 sister (Kak) got no.4 in her class,while my UPSR sister (Alang)got no.1 in class.My youngest sister (Ateh) got no.3.
Then,my mum remains me about solah.My dad inspirits me to do all my best in life and Ateh asks me a yum cake when i'm back to home.Ooo...i really miss home!!! thanks Allah for gives me a happy family.
Someone call me Micki...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Perjuangan Belum Selesai

02 May [Sat] 0900-1200 Haematology [amali]*
03 May [Sun] 0830-1130 Haematology [theory]^
04 May [Mon] 0900-1200 Histopathology [amali]*
05 May [Tue] 0830-1130 Histopathology [theory]^
06 May [Wed] 0830-1130 Bio Chemistry [theory]$
07 May [Thu] 0900-1200 Bio Chemistry [amali]*
08 May [Fri] 0900-1200 M.Parasitology [amali]*

10 May [Sun] 0830-1130 M.Parasitology [theory]^
11 May [Mon] 0900-1200 Blood Bank [amali]*
12 May [Tue] 0830-1130 Blood Bank [theory]^
13 May [Wed] 0900-1200 Cytology [amali]*
14 May [Thu] 0830-1130 Cytology [theory]^
15 May [Fri] 0900-1200 M.Microbiology [amali]*
16 May [Sat] 0830-1130 M.Microbiology [theory]^

keys [venue]:
* Makmal 3 & 4
^ Bilik Melor
$ Exam Hall

Pelatih Semester 4 & 5 yang berada di lapangan,peperiksaan akhir anda adalah pada 18 May.Untuk makluman anda Kolej akan kehilangan 2 permata berharga,Pensyarah daripada modul Haematology,Puan Boop Pa dan Cik Fadzilah.Puan Boob Pa akan ke Bahagian Latihan manakala Cik Fadzilah pula ke Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu Sungai Buluh...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kau Sahabat Kau Teman...

Pihak Admin CALIPHORENIA dan batch Julai '06-Jun '09 mengucapkan salam takziah kepada keluarga allahyarham Aliff Ashraff.Pihak Admin mengetahui berita ini dalam waktu sebelum Isya'.

Perginya salah seorang sahabat kita Aliff (Senior batch Jan'05 - Dis'07) yang bertugas di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah.Beliau merupakan seorang yang cukup disenangi.Beliau telah kembali ke Rahmatullah kerana terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya sewaktu pulang dari tempat kerja hari ini.Arwah Aliff ni adalah salah seorang yang sangat aktif dan kelakar habis masa di kolej dulu.Salah seorang penyerang bagi pasukan gabungan bola..pernah camping sekali dulu kat Dusun Eco Resort.Diharapkan semua rakan senior batch Januari 2005 - Disember 2007 juga tabah di atas kehilangan seorang rakan dan sahabat yang begitu rapat.

Sama-samalah kita berdoa agar arwah ditempatkan bersama orang yang beriman.Al-Fatihah.....Bacaan Yaasin untuk beliau insyaallah akan diadakan di surau asrama kolej pada malam esok.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stress Out !

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be our last formative exam before final.Hope so to enjoy the exam...Bio Chemistry..
Kono seikatsu ni egao wa kiseki yo,
muzukashii kedo yaruki ga aru nara dekiruzo
(in life, smile is miracle 。 it seem impossible but it is possible when we try our best。)
ore no koto wasurenaide......uka mata aou... saraba tomo yo...
jangan lupakan aku ya kawan-kawan...sampai bertemu lagi di lain waktu...bye..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hormones™ ปิดเทอมใหญ่ หัวใจว้า

Hormones ( ปิดเทอมใหญ่ หัวใจว้าวุ่น /Pidtermyai huajai wawoon) is a 2008 Thai romantic comedy film directed by Songyos Sugmakanan . The literal meaning of the Thai title is 'restless hearts during school break' or 'school break, hearts aflutter'.Bahasa Malaysia 'Kecelaruan Hati Semasa Cuti Sekolah'.
This film revolves around a group of high school and university students during their school break, and the relationships that develop.

Four threads are followed:
Pu (Charlie Trairat) and Mai (Sirachuch Chienthaworn) are in competition for Nana (Ungsumalynn Sirapatsakmetha),
Friends come first

Oh Lek (Focus Jirakul) is wild about a Taiwanese singer (Lu Ting Wei),
Taking Mandarin classes to understand the song lyrics

While class geek Jo (Ratchu Surachalas) is in love with a popular girl Cee (Chutima Teepanat)
and Hern (Chantawit Thanasewee) is thinking of cheating on his girlfriend Nuan (Thaniya Ummaritchoti) when he meets Japanese tourist Aoi (Sora Aoi).
from left top: Pu,Mai,Nana,Hern,Jo,C,Nuan & Aoi


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Esok Yang Lebih Indah

Tomorrow will be KTMP Islamic Culture & Art Carnival.You know what...every nasyid team only allowed to perform one song instead of two.My nasyid team back out from the competition.I wonder why...they're not so sporting(my team members).AKU GERAM.The only competition that i joined is jawi writing (old malay script using arabic alphabets) and caligraphy.For quiz,they doen'st put my name in the list...not my luck...

From today newspaper,the Star:
Magazine returns with a new look

Galaxie available again after two-month break.

Oohh,now i know what's the big problem i faced for past two months.Now,Galaxie is back in the market with a sporting new look and smaller size.It is easier to carry around..haa..haa..

Friday, April 3, 2009

Selamat Hari Lahir

Today is my sis birthday,she is in form 4 now.

Yesterday,we semester 6 celebrated our batch co-ordinator birthday,Puan Adida after class.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Karnival Sihat KTMP 2009

Hari ini ada Seminar Penerapan Nilai Murni di kolej.Tapi kita takkan bercakap pasal itu.....

from Karnival Sihat KTMP 2009
Senamrobik for your health

Gerai Mentor-Mentee Puan Adida & Puan Shila
Mentee Puan Adida : 14 orang
Mentee Puan Shila : 7 orang
Campur : 21 orang
Lokasi berlangsungnya Sukaneka

Gerai kami menjual :
Nasi Tomato Drumstick : RM 3.50
Nasi Tomato Wing : RM 3
Dadih (2layers,mixed fruits + nata de coco) : RM 1.30
Float : RM 1.50
Kek batik : RM 1 untuk 1 pc
Keropok lekor : RM 1 untuk 5 pc
Jajan : RM 0.30
Gula-gula : 1 bungkus (4 fruit plus apple + 2 chooey choco) RM 0.50
One Drop perfume (yang ni modal orang tu sendiri)

group mentor mane pun aku tak tau...hehe
Benda yang dibeli:
Ice Box : RM13.00
Ice cube 2.5 kg : RM 1.70 x 3
Keropok Lekor : RM 18
Serbuk Dadih (Mango) : RM 4.95
Serbuk Dadih (Choco) : RM 4.95
Polisterin Nasi : RM 7.50
8 oz cup : RM 11
120 c cup with cap : RM 14
3 X 5 cm plastic : RM 3.50
Plastic bag 20 : RM 1.50 X 2
Paper bag : RM 5 X 2
Straw (besar) : RM 1.50 X 2
Sudu Plastik 100 pc (tebal): RM 2.50
Chicken Wings 5 kg : RM 45
Chicken Drumsticks 8.5 kg : RM 76
lain-lain (tomato puri,cili kering & ll brg dapur): RM 37
Telur Ayam 20 biji : RM 5.20
2 pc Manila card : RM 1.20
Beras @ 2.60 : RM 5.20
Beras Jati Special 5 kg : RM 13
Kimball chili 1 kg : RM 3.30
Nenas : RM 6
Duit syiling : RM 20
HS Marie Biscuit : RM 3.49 X 4
Milo 1 kg : RM 12.59
Grain sugar 1 kg : RM1.45
Nestum Cereal Soft : RM 3.69 X 2
Carnation Evap cream : RM 2.59
Teapot sbc : RM 2.15 X 3
Ideal 400 g : RM 2.89 X 2
Delmonte Fruit c/tail: RM 8.59
Nata de coco 454 g : RM 2.99
Susu cair : RM 5.60
Minyak keris 5 kg : RM 12.50
F&N Coca cola 1.5 l : RM2.95 X 3
F&N Strawberry 1.5 l : RM 2.85 X 3
Flamingo asst 1.5 l (ais krim) : RM 3.29 X 2
Buttercup spread 250 gm : RM 3.89 X 4
Biji sawi : RM 0.76
Cuka 310 ml :RM 1.20
Timun : RM 4.13
Chooey choco : RM 8
Fruit plus apple : RM 11.50
Mamee : RM 10
Twistees barbeque: RM 7
Serbuk dadih (jagung) : RM 5
Serbuk dadih (yam) : RM 5
Nata de coco : RM 6
dll : RM ?
macam ni lah orang berjual beli
RM 468.33 - RM 230 = RM 238.33

RM 468.33 - RM 429.60
RM 28.73 bahagi 23 orang penyumbang dana : seorang akan kerugian RM 1.70
Tak balik modal lah

Kira untuk 21 mentee
Since RM 10-RM1.80 = RM 8.20
RM 8.20 X 21 = RM172.20( dibelanjakan untuk KFC malam Apr 07)

Group yang menang pertandingan You Have a Talent

Masa sukaneka hari tu aku kumpulan 4 (hijau) ,10 orang geng kitaorang sekali dengan seorang pelajar dari KSKB Sungai Buluh, aku dan Zamri (sem.1) adalah lelaki terakhir dalam group tu...haa..haa.. dapat gak kitaorang tempat kedua,silver medal.